Where can low income families get help for Christmas?
Try United Way, or better yet, The Salvation Army has a program every year called the "Angel Tree". You have to sign your kids up for it, but what it is, is you put the age, and sex of the child on a paper "ornament" along with their Christmas wish list (or if they're too young, put what they really NEED along with a couple things you'd think they'd want) and give it to them.
They will place that paper ornament on a BIIIIG Christmas tree, usually in businesses or the mall, and WONDERFUL, GENEROUS strangers will pick up that ornament and buy gifts for that child. Then they will turn those gifts in, (along with the receipts) to the Salvation Army and they deliver them to the families for Christmas. This way...you get to experience that there ARE still good people in the world, and your kids don't have to know they didn't REALLY come from "Santa".
My mom was disabled and couldn't work and my dad left us around this time of year. My mom had no money and was extremely depressed about Christmas or how we were even going to make it. She finally swallowed her pride and contacted these organizations. They are WONDERFUL. I was old enough to know the truth of the situation (I was 16) but I'll never forget the people who helped our family have a wonderful Christmas, and to this day, I still "pay it forward" every year, by buying gifts for my OWN angel off the tree.
Also, you can contact churches and they usually take a list from people who suggest families for Christmas food baskets as well. (We did this one too) And the church charities will bring you food . It may not be the "traditional" Christmas dinner, but it's still really good.
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